Covid-19 Announcement

For Release: March 25, 2020

Dear ESI Clients,

Our team at Enterprise Security, Inc., is actively monitoring and responding to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the impact it has on our daily lives. As the various “Shelter in Place” orders are implemented, it can be a very confusing and uncertain time for everyone.

For many states now, non-essential businesses are forced to temporarily close, while “essential” businesses are allowed to remain open. ESI will continue day-to-day business operations providing security installation and service, as many of our clients provide “essential functions” to our local communities and government. This includes, but is not limited to Police Stations, Public Works, Hospitals, Healthcare Facilities, and many more.

We are in the business of providing The Ultimate Peace of Mind™ so now more than ever, ESI is ready to serve the needs of 100% of all our clients. As we continue to monitor the situation through the CDC, Federal, State, and local jurisdictions, we have implemented a company-wide Safety Protocol for this COVID-19 epidemic:

1. Whenever possible, staff are working remotely and all non-essential air travel is suspended.

2. Our local offices in Yorba Linda, CA; Tempe, AZ; Tucson, AZ are ready to serve.

3. We are individually abiding by the CDC-recommended procedures.

4. Whether at home, at our office, or customer sites, we are practicing social distancing and actively cleaning/disinfecting all common surfaces.

Enterprise Security is taking every precaution to ensure our clients and employees are as safe as possible from the ongoing coronavirus threat. Work environments are altered all over the globe, and we want you to know what to expect if you find yourself in need of our assistance.

    • As a company, we are strictly following the OSHA and CDC COVID-19 guidelines.

    • Through our technology, we will lean on our ability to fix issues remotely, keeping human-to-human contact at a minimum during this time of social distancing.

    • The service department will remain open and fully operational during normal business hours. For service related issues, please send your request to for an immediate response.

    • Our local technicians have been directed on best practices to reduce the spread of viruses.

    • Installation schedules will proceed based on the current installation schedule that has been provided. If jobsitesjob sites will be closed notify us so we can make the necessary adjustments. If you are currently waiting for a job site installation schedule, our Operations Team will be in contact with you shortly.

    • Consider removing programmed door schedules especially if your facility is closed or experienced staff reduction.

    • Create special access levels for personnel who still need access to the building during the shutdown.

    • Disable all cardholders who do not need to be at the site.

    • Review Vehicle Gate Access levels.

    • Ensure users have access to your Video Management System away from the site.

    • Ensure emergency contacts and numbers are available for Site Support, Intrusion and/or Fire Systems.

Thank you for your continued business.

Joseph D. Emens
Chief Operation Officer
Enterprise Security, Inc.